Abstract : The project “Solar operated cam hammer”is compact and portable, handy equipment, which is skillful and is having something different from the ancient conventional, hammering process. Olden days hammering process using for man power its use for more energy to spend the working process. This project used for reduce the man power and easy to hammering process. The solar panel is producing electric current to store in battery. Motor is connecting to cam and rotating motion is converting to vertical motion. This project is using for automatic hammering process it’s used for mass production. It is a working project and having guarantee of success. This project is the equipment useful to improve the quality and small scale industriesof the forging process. This cam operated hammer using manufacturing made in less time, hence we have selected this project.
 ? This mechanism is only suitable for few operations. ? As torque force required is more there is difficult to find the motor to achieve the required torque. ? Having little wear.
 ? Available in wide variety of sizes. ? Maintain good control and required force. ? Low cost. ? Save man power. ? Saves time. ? Time delay can be achieved easily. ? Mass production.

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