Abstract : This project work titled “FABRICATION OF QUICK LIFTING JACK WITH GEAR ARRANGEMENT” has been conceived having studied the difficulty in lifting the any type of light vehicles. Our survey in the regard in several automobile garages, revealed the facts that mostly some difficult methods were adopted in lifting the vehicles for reconditioning. Now the project has mainly concentrated on this difficulty, and hence a suitable device has been designed. Such that the vehicle can be lifted from the floor land without application of any impact force. The fabrication part of it has been considered with almost case for its simplicity and economy, such that this can be accommodated as one of the essential tools on automobile garages.
 ? Cost of the hardware is high when contrasted with common hand jack. ? This framework requires high systems of support mind when contrasted with common hand jack. ? Care must be taken for the dealing with the gear, for example, legitimate wiring association, oil level checkup, and so on.
 ? Quick lift of vehicles. ? No man power using. ? Low cost automation. ? Maintenance cost is very low. ? Easy to install ? Less in weight

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