Association and Caching in Relay-Assisted mm Wave Networks From A Stochastic Geometry Perspective



Limited backhaul bandwidth and blockage effects are two main factors limiting the practical deployment of millimeter wave (mmWave) networks. To tackle these issues, we study the feasibility of relaying as well as caching in mmWave networks. A user association and relaying (UAR) criterion dependent on both caching status and maximum biased received power is proposed by considering the spatial correlation caused by the coexistence of base stations (BSs) and relay nodes (RNs). A joint UAR and caching placement problem is then formulated to maximize the backhaul offloading traffic. Using stochastic geometry tools, we decouple the joint UAR and caching placement problem by analyzing the relationship between UAR probabilities and caching placement probabilities. We then optimize the transformed caching placement problem based on polyblock outer approximation by exploiting the monotonic property in the general case and utilizing convex optimization in the noise-limited case. Accordingly, we propose a BS and RN selection algorithm where caching status at BSs and maximum biased received power are jointly considered. Experimental results demonstrate a significant enhancement of backhaul offloading using the proposed algorithms, and show that deploying more RNs and increasing cache size in mmWave networks is a more cost-effective alternative than increasing BS density to achieve similar backhaul offloading performance.


? The existing state-of-the-art works on modeling and analysis of finite wireless networks, we can generally identify three streams of thoughts ordered in decreasing tractability and mathematical flexibility. ? Based on simulations and model fitting, relevant works in the literature compared empirical data of existing shared networks and vehicular networks with the accurate PP from MCP, TCP, and LGCP. ? In, coverage probability and average rate are derived in a teraHertz-aided network, where it has been shown the existence of a certain tradeoff between decreased coverage probability and improved average rate.


? A joint UAR and caching placement problem is then formulated to maximize the backhaul offloading traffic. ? By decoupling the UAR problem and caching placement problem through the analytical work, we formulate the caching placement optimization problem with the goal to maximize SBOP. ? By exploiting the monotonic property of this optimization problem, we design an efficient algorithm based on polyblock outer approximation to find the globally optimal solution. ? We take the blockage effects into account and derive the distribution of inverse biased received power, then the relationship between caching probabilities and the user association and relaying probabilities is provided for problem decoupling.


• One proposed solution is to consider the deployment of RNs between BSs and cell-edge Ues. • In, the authors proposed the use of the PHP to model a multi-cell D2D underlaid cellular network. • When the conditional intensity is not available or parameter estimators are of reduced accuracy, which is typically the case for aggregative PPs, the minimum contrast method is proposed. • In, a more generalized closed-form expression is proposed assuming an integer value of the path loss exponent. • An alternative approach is proposed in to derive the average ergodic rate by considering general fading distributions and without necessarily going through the coverage probability expression.


? Some researches have analytically investigated the performance of relay-assisted mmWave networks. ? To measure the backhaul offloading performance, we define the successful backhaul offloading probability (SBOP) as the performance metric. ? In order to investigate performance improvement with caching and relaying in the mmWave network, we define SBOP as the performance metric. ? we validate our analytical work and evaluate the performance of SBOP using the proposed caching placement algorithms, CP-POA and CP-CO. ? It can be observed that the performance of using CP-CO is quite close to that of using CP-POA when the density of RNs is relatively low.

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