Design and Analysis of Coded Caching Schemes in Stochastic Wireless Networks



Coded caching is a technique that promises significant reductions in network traffic by exploiting the multicast opportunities among multiple cache-enabled users. Most works in this area investigate the fundamental performance limits of coded caching from an information-theoretic perspective. In this paper, from a practical perspective, we focus on the design and analysis of the coded caching scheme in large-scale stochastic networks with dynamic traffic. Aiming at the challenges of the large number of users, dynamic packet requests, and distance-dependent interference, the packet caching scheme and packet delivery scheme are jointly designed to ensure the availability of the coded caching gain. To characterize the coded caching performance, the queue dynamic of the packet requests and channel state are first analyzed. Then by combining the successive group decoding theory and stochastic geometry approach, the network interference is characterized and the successful transmission probability of the multicast coded signal is further derived. Moreover, the coded caching scheme is optimized to minimize the average delay of the packet request, which is proved to ensure service fairness and reduce the complexities of network performance analysis. The analytical and numerical results provide useful insights for the provisioning and planning of the coded caching network.


? It is noteworthy to highlight that there exist multiple solutions of a multi-objective optimization problem that are represented by Pareto front, which is defined as the set of non-dominated solutions. ? To the best of our knowledge, physical layer secrecy in conjunction with caching where users need to be served with heterogeneous traffic characteristics has not been examined in the existing literature. ? The work derives probability of successful decoding for various decoding schemes for the cache-enabled wireless network where one of the users needs to be served with secure data and the channel between different nodes undergo Rayleigh fading. ? The work considers two approaches for decoding of a packet at the receivers: treating interference as noise and successive decoding.


? In the framework of Coded Caching, the pioneering work considers a single-bottleneck cache network and investigates the problem from an information theoretic viewpoint. ? The Max-Min curve corresponds to the Ergodic Rate performance of the solution of optimization problem, which does not necessarily optimize the ergodic rate of multicasting a common message. ? The max-min fair beamforming approach is a well investigated problem. Then, on top of that, the original coded caching scheme of is employed. ? Instead of nulling interference at unwanted users, the authors in formulate a non-convex optimization problem to arrive at suboptimal beamformers.


• A novel projected multi-objective cuckoo search algorithm (PMOCSA) is proposed to obtain the Pareto front of the optimal cache placement. • The proactive caching design proposed in utilized the projection gradient method to maximize the STP in wireless backhauled F-RAN. • The centralized and distributed transmission aware cache placement strategies in F-RAN proposed in minimize average download delay of the end-user subject to the cache constraints. • In, a joint caching and multicast design for wireless fronthaul in F-RAN is proposed, where the optimization problem was formulated to minimize the transmission time for cloud processor.


? This scheme achieves the same (near-optimal) degrees of freedom of the second scheme, but significantly better performance at finite SNR. ? Moreover, the finite SNR performance of such simplistic approach is not attractive, i.e., the power penalty paid by doing linear combinations in the complex field is generally large. ? We present numerical results for performance comparison, providing some practical design guidelines for wireless content delivery. ? The focus of is on the achievable DoFs, while here we consider the finite SNR performance. ? We investigate physical layer schemes for downlink transmission from a multiantenna transmitter to several cache-enabled users.

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